
What the World is a Funded Proposal What Kind of a Difference Will it Make to You

A funded proposal is a way for you to produce revenue from your prospects even if they never sign up to your business. One very neat thing about a funded proposal, it helps you to create your own prospecting leads and not have to rely on the lead companies that sell each lead to multiple prospectors. You are in for a REAL treat if you have ever bought hundreds or thousands of biz-opp leads, because with the new system that you are learning, your leads will be contacting YOU!A funded proposal will not cure cancer (just kidding) but it will enable you to be talking to the right individuals instead of the "looky lou's" and the people that just waste your time. A funded proposal is a smarter more leveraged solution than making poor use of your time by calling a bunch of dead beat "why are you calling me?" leads or posting flyers on windshields.Let's explain real simply how a funded proposal works. What it involves is selling your prospect an e-book that will really help them market their own business. This is called the "front end" and this helps you to be able to continue your advertising. And then what you do is "back-end" your prospect into your own MLM program. Why would they now join your own network marketing business? They trust your from the webinars and the time you have spent with them.There are 3 BIG paybacks that you will come across light bulbs by marketing a funded proposal.1) Create Momentum - Marketing a SOLUTION instead of your product or business oportunity is a process that in the beginning will get your new partners earning without delay, creating confidence as well as momentum in your team. The amazing thing is this method works with ANY MLM business. It doesn't matter what network marketing company you are in, the funded proposal works like a champion.By using a funded proposal system you and your downline will have all the free instruction that you need to be able to put together your business both online as well as offline. A funded proposal approach will enable a really tight bond to form within your troop. And it will make sure that you are going after only your target market, which is other network marketers.The money that you get paid in a funded proposal will help pay for your continual marketing. You have to look way beyond just your family and friends if you want to build a massive and sustainable business. There are 2 enormous challenges that confront 95% of network marketers in the world nowadays. The first challenge is not having enough cash to advertise to stay in the game long enough to make a profit. The second dilemma is you run out of people to talk to. A funded proposal eliminates both of these problems.2) Great Cash Flow - The 2nd benefit of a funded proposal is having the cash flow necessary to continue marketing your solution. Your team will also have adequate cash to go on with their important MLM lead generation. This is SO critical. Attention! You have only 63 days to get a new excited team member up to speed and making cash. A funded proposal will be of assistance to keep them "in the game." Think about what this will mean to your business!3) Leads, Leads and More Leads - The 3rd benefit is MLM lead generation. A funded proposal furnishes you with highly targeted people who are either already in a network marketing business, or are actively looking for one. You don't have to fret with wasting all your time chasing after the 85% of people who have no desire at all to be an entrepreneur.You can put a grin on your face conscious that you have found the "holy grail" of how to make cash in network marketing. You have graduated from a hawker of products and biz Iphone 4s Cases ops, to a genuine marketer of a desirable solution. It's called a Funded Proposal.

